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Full Version: Saigal And Poetry
Hamara Forums > Legends > Legendary Singers > K.L.Saigal
I just saw this website which talks about KL Saigal and his love of ghazals. I thought it was also interesting that he used to write poetry and also sang some of them. I never knew that he wrote poems, too. The more I learn about him (except for his addiction to drinking), the more I am impressed by him.

Here is the URL for the article, if anyone is interested in reading it:
i found this marathi poem written by famous marathi poet kusumagraj.
he was awarded gyan-peeth several years ago.
the poem praises K L saigal and his music.

marathi saigal fans would understand its meaning.
and for non marathi ones, i would try and translate it. ( unsure.gif )
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